Finding Resources; Being Good News

Sometimes we must dig deep, very deep to find the resources we need to move forward even – or especially – when we can’t understand circumstances unfolding around us.  Such is the situation with yet one more senseless mass shooting we mourned in worship.  When the whole world seems full of bad news, it is important to remember that we are people of good news, of hope, possibility, resurrection.  We must never paper over the pain, anger, frustration, fear, or sadness that bad times bring.  They must be named.  But we bring with us, into that same space, an abundance of hope, illustrated by the abundance of God depicted in the Biblical stories of Creation.  The scripture clearly tells us that God provides enough, more than enough, for the sustenance of Creation.  That means not just food for the physically hungry, but food for the emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually hungry ones; the wounded.  But there’s a distribution problem.  We must be channels for that hope; reservoirs, resources for God’s grace to one another and a world which seems to have just too much bad news.  To do that, we must be fed by prayer, and the shared bread and cup, at the table set for us by Jesus.  Be good news.

Peace and grace,

Pastor Carol

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