Happy New Year!

In our first service of 2017, right on New Year’s Day, we explored two important questions, well, compound questions really:

1). Do you ever make resolutions? Why or why not? Do you find them motivating or discouraging? What kind of resolutions are easiest to make and to keep, and which the hardest? Why do you think that is?

Although the first question was more introspective, doing the reflection it required helped us in consider the second:

2). What do you particularly feel needs to be done in the world this year? What are you personally willing to do, locally, nationally, globally?

The year ahead will bring us many challenges and the need to work together on many fronts, but as we do let’s not forget to also see the world’s beauty, delight in community, and see in each other the face of God.

As we move through this year, let us do so with an openness of spirit, aware of how our lives can touch each other positively, how our kind and compassionate hearts and gentle spirits can help heal deep woundedness in ourselves and others, and remain conscious in our faith that we are united in the oneness of the Divine Spirit of God.

Happy new year to all and to all a good year!

Your Pastoral Intern

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