Dear Friends

This week at the church I noticed that the foliage was blooming in shades of red, and it put me in mind of this Sunday’s observance of Pentecost. In a clergy meeting where we discuss the lessons for the next Sunday, we talked about the parallels with the early church as they began a new phase of their movement on Pentecost, which is often called the birthday of the church. We are about to start a new phase, a new kind of birthday or rebirth. What manifestations of Spirit will we see? Wear something red for the Zoom camera, and join us for Pentecost.

We’ll look at two different ways that the scriptures talk about the Holy Spirit, as both breath and as embodied advocate. Come and pray and let the power of the Spirit be felt among us on a new kind of Pentecostal power.

See you Sunday,
Rev. Jim Mitulski

P.S. We’re trying to be responsive to still unfolding news about the safest practices. For now, let’s plan our first in-person gatherings for Sunday, July 4 and Sunday. August 1, with the other Sundays on Zoom only. We can perhaps resume weekly in-person worship starting Sunday, September 5. Let me know what you think!

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