A New View


Why a picture of dirt?  Perhaps because it is dirt you have never seen before.  What started as just the practical need to clear dead trees and undergrowth on our property was like removing things that have obstructed our vision.  It’s amazing, not only the physical vista that opens up, but also the ministry vista for our church.  It gets you thinkin’!  Sometimes we just have to remove whatever has obstructed our view – what we are so used to, so resigned to, so in love with – that we can’t imagine life without it.  Take the blinders away.  Then there’s that sharp intake of breath at the first glance, “Oh, my!  I had no idea…”

The dirt definitely had that effect on attendees at our leadership retreat.  We felt the spiritual impetus to “get real” and ask what God is calling us to do with the resource of our property.  But we do need broader consensus and a time frame for careful, next steps.  Talk to those who were at the leadership retreat, and BE SURE to put the September 25 congregational meeting on your calendar!

Blessings, peace, and new dirt –
Pastor Caro

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