Can I Get A Witness?

Being a follower of Jesus is a dangerous business – don’t fool yourself.  We are called to be purveyors of justice and hope, to stand up in the face of inhumanity, discrimination against our brothers and sisters, and the outright destruction of Creation.  To do it as a group, a community – or to do it alone if that is what it takes.  Yes, you can pray, and that is vitally important.  But you need to speak up and be heard.  And after you speak – act, show up, and then speak some more.  Be determined and don’t be put off.   Work, write, demonstrate, hold someone’s hand, bring food, talk to them face to face – not only through a donation check.  Share your story and listen to theirs.  Listen hard and deeply.  We all have things to learn about what is in the hearts of others in order to be witnesses worthy of Jesus and the unfinished work he left to us.  In all things be respectful and hopeful and true to the overarching value of love.  Can I get a witness?

Peace and grace,
Pastor Carol

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