Drop Those Nets. Take a Chance

This week we read Mark’s story (1:14-20) of the call of the first disciples.  Everyone in this story takes a chance.  The fishermen drop their nets and walk away from family and livelihood to follow Jesus, to “fish for people,” whatever that means.  Jesus embarks on his pattern of inviting random strangers to journey with him – people who might be unreliable or dangerous, perhaps not ideal followers.  We thought about the chances we have all taken in our lives – relationships, moving into the unknown, a job, coming out, getting sober.  Whether the chances we take work out according to some ideal or not, we are forever changed.

We are surrounded by the steadfast and loving presence of God who is always taking a chance on us becoming our best, unique selves.  “Best” is not measured in accomplishment but in inner fulfillment and peace, and the cultivation of loving relationships.  “Best” is not a superlative which denies the existence of frailty or failure.  “Best” is living authentically and truthfully, with integrity; maybe even a little wildly.  God’s hope is that we will take chances on people and experiences we don’t fully understand but which we know in our hearts will bring us joy, and make us more fully the persons we were created to be.  We only have so long in this life to teach, or preach, to travel, garden, crunch numbers, fish, or whatever before we die.  Poet Mary Oliver asks in her poem “A Summer Day:”  Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? I think that is God’s question to us.  Let’s take a chance, drop our nets and follow the Spirit’s leading into our future as a church.

Blessings for the journey 
— Pastor Carol

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