“Be Thou My Vision …”

What a beautiful hymn we sang together!  And what a wonderful retreat experience we shared.  Gratitude to all those who helped to plan, set up, and clean up from our Sunday retreat.  Most of all, gratitude to the 25 people who signed up and gave their hearts and their time to think about who we are as a church and what our calling might be going forward.  Mark Moulton gave us great leadership and we were so happy for the presence and participation of Mort Frank, who has also given unstintingly of his time to advise our Property Team.  It was a joy to sit, listen and absorb.  Did we come to “THE answer” for what we are to do with our property?  Probably to the frustration of some – no.  But we understand what our realities are going forward, we have a plan, and one of our commitments was not to look backward or continue ruminating.  We embraced who we are as church-and-school.  We called ourselves “family” which is loving, caring and wonderful but does not address how we are to be invitational to a wider community.  But we’ll get there, I am confident.  The beauty of the retreat was that we were honest and unafraid with each other.  The Spirit was, and surely is, in our midst.

Keep visioning  — Pastor Carol

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