Couldn’t have said it better…

How many times have you come across words that just “say it better” than you possibly could in that moment? I am not talking about greeting cards, either. This happens to pastors all the time. While we are presumed to be gifted with words, written and spoken, and would like to think that’s true on at least some days, on other days we just try to be attuned to hearing God in someone else’s words, or in the sounds of nature. Wow, I think. That needs to be shared.   And so I share with you a lovely prayer from the heart and hand of my colleague, Rev. John Mabry of Grace North UCC in Berkeley.
John wrote:

God, your dream is healing in all directions:
•  to heal the estrangement between yourself and human beings
•  to heal our own psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical wounds
•  to heal the enmity between neighbors and nations
•  to heal the rift between humans and the earth and all her creatures
Heal us, and empower us to bring your healing to all the world.
Bring us at last to that great feast, where none will go hungry,
where you yourself will wipe the tears from every eye,
where all will be at peace, and the promise of grace is fulfilled.
In the name of Jesus, our beloved.   Amen.

Our message last week reminded us that faith, and the work to which we are called as followers of Jesus – these things take muscles. They require diligence and attentiveness. Be attentive to what you see and hear around you. It’s quite fine if your faith-strengthening exercise comes in someone else’s words.

Pastor Carol small

Peace and grace,
Pastor Carol

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