Pastor Alan Prepares to Move to Hawaii

Dear Members and Friends of IUC:

It is with mixed emotions that I announce my resignation as Pastor of Island United Church. After an anticipated phone conversation from Hawaii on Sunday afternoon, I have accepted a call to be the full-time pastor of Koloa Union Church on the Island of Kauai. I look forward to working again in full-time ministry and focusing a good deal of free-time to water coloring and writing. KUC is a 100-member multi-ethnic church with a strong Hawaiian presence, and they offer their pastor a large parsonage on an acre of land near Poipu Beach.

On Sunday, I shared about the importance of dreams in the early part of Matthew’s Gospel and how the five dreams to Joseph and the Magi were part of God’s big dream for the world: a dream where compassion and abundant lives are available to everyone. It seems that I am simply transitioning from one dream to another. When Palani was beginning his senior year in high school, I dreamt of him finishing with high grades and getting into a good college; I think he did pretty well there! I also dreamt of being part of a loving community of faith where both of us could use and develop our gifts; Island United Church has been just that for both of us! I also dreamt of starting my own business and helping not-for-profit organizations on the peninsula achieve greater success in their endeavors; Akana Consulting has grown every year in terms of clients and income! 2013 has been a year of new dreams: finishing my book and getting it published, developing my gifts in water coloring, spending more time in Hawaii. The past year has been a time of affirmation for me as I now desire to spend more time painting and writing and being in Hawaii; the move to Kauai will be the fulfillment of these dreams for me.

My last Sunday at Island United Church will be February 9th. I hope to visit with as many of you as possible in these coming weeks. Thank you so very much for your friendship and for a very enjoyable and fulfilling ministry these past three years!


Pastor Alan

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